What people are making with Cuttle

Hi Beta Testers!

Lots of developments over the past two weeks, but first I wanted to share a few cool projects we've seen from the community.

Community Projects

Janell Amely makes lasercut acrylic and wood jigsaw puzzles. Check out her online store 3 Cat Max.

Janell watched the Parametric Box Generator video and then modified it to make this electronics organizer.


She also made this cool tessellation jigsaw puzzle.


Federico Tobon (Wolf Cat Workshop) is an artist making beautiful, surreal illustrations, mechanical automata, and more.

He's been exploring making patterns in Cuttle. Here he designed a stencil in Cuttle and used it to decorate a sheet of brownies 😋


Zoom to Real Size

You can now see your projects at true scale — actual size! So you can hold things up to your monitor and it will be the correct scale.

Go to View > Zoom to Real Size (⌘0).

The first time you run it, you'll be asked to calibrate your screen using a standard credit card.


Invite your Friends

We're slowly opening up Cuttle to more people. You can now send Cuttle invites to your friends. (See top-right of your dashboard.)


Boolean Flatten

Several people on the Discord found this 2 min explainer of the Boolean Flatten modifier very helpful. Check out the video if you missed it.


Project Parameters

If you watched the Parametric Box Generator video you'll recall the awkwardness of "threading" parameters through various components.

Now you can add project parameters. These parameters are available everywhere. For example you can add a parameter for your material thickness as a project parameter and then you can reference this value anywhere in your project.


I'll need to re-record the box generator video now that we have this feature! I think it will be a lot more straightforward.

Other Fixes and Improvements

  • Boolean operations and anything that "outlines" a stroke should be much more reliable now. Let us know if you find a case that doesn't do what you expect.
  • You can import any SVG file into your project with File > Import SVG. Let us know if you find an SVG that doesn't work. Very complicated SVGs (like maps) will tend to overwhelm Cuttle 🙈 — we're working on it!
  • Fixed some subtle issues with the draggable Transform Center. When you have a shape selected, you can hold command (or ctrl) to move the origin of the shape. This origin point is the reference point for position, rotation, and scale.
  • Fixed some issues with copy and paste.
  • Fixed dragging an SVG from the Finder on Safari.

Thanks for sticking with us as we continue to improve Cuttle! As always, feel free to reply to this email or chat with us on the Discord chat room.