New Cuttle videos 🎥 Snowflake ❄️ Butterfly mask 🦋

Hi everyone,

We posted two new Cuttle videos this week.

Simple Layered Snowflake ❄️


In this 5 minute video, Federico shows how to make simple layered designs for cutting out of card stock or plywood.

He makes the “skeleton” of the shape using the Pen tool and some Repeat modifiers. Then he adjusts the stroke to thicken each layer. Finally he uses Layered Stack to make the outlines for exporting.

Butterfly Mask 🦋


We had a lot of fun hosting our first livestream last week. Thank you to everyone who showed up!

Here’s a recording of the workshop (50 min), where Forrest showed his process for creating masks from layered card stock.

Other Improvements and Fixes 🐞

  • When you type in a formula for the position of a shape, you can no longer drag it on the canvas — because the formula is determining where it is. We added a message explaining this when you try to drag something that’s “locked” in this way.
  • Fixed a bug where the link from the Read Me to the creator’s profile page wasn’t working properly.

And with that we’re on winter break! We’ll be around on the Discord chat room while traveling, relaxing, and catching up on our own creative projects.

Hope you all have a wonderful holiday vacation and a happy new year.