Celtic Knotwork Leather Bracelet - Template and Video

Celtic Knotwork Leather Bracelet - Template and Video

Hi everyone,

Here's the latest with Cuttle.

Celtic Knotwork Leather Bracelet 🪢

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Federico has a new video on how to make a laser cut leather bracelet. This is a great beginner project for working with leather or faux leather on a laser cutter.

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Federico shows you everything you need to know to make the bracelet:

  • Selecting materials (he shows a few options and the laser settings he used)
  • Measuring your wrist for a perfect fit
  • Installing the snaps with an inexpensive kit
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The video comes with two Cuttle templates: a plain bracelet and a bracelet with an engraved Celtic Knotwork pattern.

You can customize the sizing of the bracelet and the design of the knotwork pattern.

The Plain Bracelet template is free and the Celtic Knotwork Bracelet template is free for the next two weeks!

How to Make Flexible, Iridescent Material ✨

Monique posted an in-depth Instructable on how to create a unique iridescent material that a lot of us on the Cuttle team enjoy working with.


The Instructable is based on a video tutorial Monique made. It also includes a Cuttle project of an interlocking flower, with assembly instructions.

Monique used this material to create a spectacular flower headdress for Mardi Gras this year. 🎭